
Basic 4 days low budget birding to :                                                       

Central Panama and Canal


( all morning day tourS 6am till noon)


Note: This tour can be taken alone or as an extension after or before The Darien Lowland and The Chiriqui Highland Panama birding tours.






4 days

 cost per person


1 person         



2 persons       


$398.50 per person                       


3 persons     


$266.00 per person                        


4 persons


$220.00.per person



NOTE: When visiting the Rainforest Discovery Center (PRDC) add $25.00 ticket per person.

When visiting the Metropolitan Nature Park add $5.00 ticket per person.

Book Your 4 Day Tour Today!

Advance booking is require to separate dates, vehicle and the birdguide.

    Let us know if this works for you and we can send you an e-bill through our secure business account with PAYPAL for you to book the tour with a Payment Deposit  require and tour balance in cash at Day1.


Chat with us    +(507) 672-83501 

American Pygmy-Kingfisher

American Pygmy-kingfisher © Thor Mason  



Day 1  -  Parque Metropolitano.
Our first birding day will start at 6:00 am at the Metropolitan Nature Park (470 acres of dry second and youngest growth forest with patches of grassy areas ) giving us the opportunity to beginning with the search of the Lance-tailed Manakin, the endemic Yellow-green Tyrannulet, Rosy Thrush-Tanager (uncommon), Orange-chinned Parakeets, Pheasant Cuckoo (rare) and more; birding will continue until noon. The Park has several trails that we may walk like the Mono Titi Trail (named after the tamarins an easy place to spot Geoffrey’s Tamarins and other wildlife) and La Cieneguita trail. Other posible sightings on the way includes Blue-crowned Motmot, Cocoa and Olivaceous woodcreepers, Slaty-tailed Trogon, Northern Waterthrush, Great Kiskadee, Thick-billed Euphonia, Snowy-bellied Hummingbird, Red-legged Honeycreeper, Southern Beardless- and (H) Yellow-crowned tyrannulets, Plain-colored Tanager and a diurnal Central American Agouti. We may also see a Variegated Squirrel, a Coatimundi, a Three-Toed Sloth, Panama Hat Palms, a "Beer Belly" Tree (an example of a Cuipo which Harpy Eagles use as nestong trees), butterflies and several kinds of clear-winged helicopter damselflies.
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   Bird of Panama: Keel-billed Toucan © Gonzalo Horna                               

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Day 2 - AchioteRoad.

The early day starts with a ride to Achiote Road birding to in and surrounding areas looking for species that favor humid condition.  We will be on the search of the  Spot-crowned Barbet, White-headed Wren, Long-tailed Tyrant, Blue Cotinga, White Hawk, Flame-rumped Tanager, Montezuma Oropendola and many other species that can be found here. At mid morning a well deserved breakfast with binoculars at hand to catch a gleans of a Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, a probable Barred and Fasciated Antshrike and others.  After breakfast the birding fiesta will continue at trails and in shaded coffee plantation.   After lunch in route to Panama  and birding along the way well visit part of   Fort Sherman (wet lowland tropical forest with also areas of grass, scrubs, mangroves , marshes and coastline)  looking  for the Straight-billed Woodcreeper, Black-tailed Trogon, Golden-collared Manakin, Rufous Motmot, Checker-throated Antwren, Piratic Flycatcher.             Go Back


Day 3 - Plantation Trail and Old Gamboa Road.

This day early birding begins on the Plantation Trail, named for a long overgrown cacao plantation and just on the north side of the Continental Divide with species typical of the Atlantic slope well give us the opportunity to listen to the call and look for the Slaty-tailed Trogon; Golden-crowned Spadebill, Southern Bentbill, Blue-crowned Manakin and other great forest and stream birds like the Buff-rumped Warbler. Later in mid-morning well go to the Old Gamboa Rd. also known as the Summit Pond area. A traverses areas of dry forest, scrub, grassland and natural ponds. A walk down the road will allow a great views of many species including Great Antshrike, Pale-vented Pigeons, Blue Ground-Doves, Orange Chinned Parakeets, Jet Antbird, Red-crowned Woodpecker, Lesser and Great Kiskadee, Boat-billed Heron, Streak Saltator, Ringed, Amazon and Green Kingfishers are possible and more.

group of birders

Birders at work © Gonzalo Horna                                   Go Back

Day 4 - Pipeline Road.

   Early morning we’ll visit the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center (PRDC) in Pipeline Road which is a most. We’ll search for canopy specialties like Green Shrike-Vireo, Forest Elaenia, Blue Cotinga, Collared Arasari, Chesnut-mandible and Keel-billed Tucan and looking also for flying raptors and many other birds that favors the canopy. Later on mid-morning we’ll work surrounding trails and part of the Pipeline Road (a secondary forest with some scrubbier areas, with many streams crossing it) will follow all day. We will heard and look for the Southern Bentbill, Pheasant Cuckoo, Green Shrike-Vireo, Grey Elaenia, Streak-chested Antpitta, Spotted Antbird, Long-billed Gnatwren, Great Jacamar and, before heading back at  noon  a visit to the Ammunition Ponds (marshy area), very productive during any hour of the day, we will search for the Snail Kite, White-throated Crakes, Ruddy-breasted Seedeaters, Rufescent Tiger-Heron, Variable Seedeater, Smooth-billed Ani and more.



4 days

 cost per person


1 person         



2 persons       


$398.50 per person                       


3 persons     

$266.00 per person                        


4 persons

$220.00.per person



NOTE: Add $25.00 ticket per person when visiting the Rainforest Discovery Center and 5.00 per person when visiting  Metropolitan Nature Park.


price good until Nov 31 2024

Book Your 4 Day Tour Today!


·    Included  in tour price:  English / Spanish bird guide with field scope, laser pointer, and the latest  Panama field-guide.  1

    Tours are from 6:00am till noon

·    Not Included in tour price:  entrance fees to parks, government taxes, lodging, transportation, meals , personal items, gratuities.

    Advance booking is require to separate dates, vehicle and the birdguide.

     Let us know if this works for you and we can send you an e-bill through our secure business account with PAYPAL for you to book the tour with a Payment Deposit require and tour balance at Day1.

·    Areas to visit during the tour:  We will visit the most and the least frequented birding hotspots in Central Panama, including the world-renowned Pipeline Road, Achiote Road, Old Gamboa Road (Summit Ponds), Plantation Trail, Fort Sherman, San Lorenzo Road and more.
Expect to see:  As a conservative estimate between 160+ species during this trip (a much higher number is possible).  Please note that the species mentioned in the list below are merely representative of the birds that might reasonably be expected in the areas involved.

Birding Group Size:  1 –  6 persons maximum We keep our group size “petite”.  This way everyone gets a personalized attention especially when seen a bird at its maximum detail. Note: for an extra fee we can provide transportation during the tour and do all the lodging and meal arrangements.   Check the Central Panama & Canal  4 DAY all inclusive birding tour from 6:00 AM till 3:00 PM.


Check our  Term & Conditions, and Price for Day Trips available upon request.                  contact us

Fork-tailed Flycatcher by AL Harris

Fork-tailed Flycatcher © Ana Laura Harris


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All Inclusive tour package 4 days,   


Book Your 4 Day Tour Today!

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